Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kundasang + Lok Kawi Trip

Went to Kundasang with my friends on 28 & 29 April 2008… Ah Leong, Ah Sun & Ah Teoh. Rent a Kelisa, then Ah Teoh as our fellow driver, we start our journey climbing the mountain to Kundasang. Stop by for some photo in the middle, and finally arrive safely at Kundasang. After taking our breakfast, we went to the War Memorial. A lot of nice garden with flowers inside… a memorial park for World War 2. Then we went to Desa Cow Farm… unfortunately it is closed and scheduled to be open only when end of this year… so no milk squeezing action for us. Next, after some crazy ride, we reached Mesilau Nature Resort. Over there we enjoy some nice view and the Mesilau Gate entrance to KK Mount climbing. Next stop was Ranau area. Poring Hot Spring is the destination we’re heading to. We enjoyed some hiking, canopy walk, waterfall, and last but not least… the hot spring. We drove all the way to Sabah Tea Plantation, but unfortunately it has already closed by the time we reach. So we have our KFC dinner and took a nap due to a short blackout. After some board game at night, the rest of them went to sleep while I enjoying the nice breeze alone outside of Nabalu Lodge, where we’re staying overnight. I bought a slice of cake and slowly I ate it while relaxing myself, watching the starts and sky. The next morning, we went to the market nearby to buy some local product, such as the cracker, honey, flowers and etc. After breakfast, we went to Kinabalu Pine Resort to look at the nice view there. And then we went to Strawberry Farm and bought some nice strawberry to eat. After checking out, we’re on our way back home. After reaching home, we planned to continue our plan and so we went to Lok Kawi Wildlife Park together with Mun Yung and Kah Beng this time. It’s a very nice mini zoo indeed. We had our dinner over the Tanjung Aru beach and that calls up a 2 days trip from Kundasang

Sunday, April 27, 2008



Saturday, April 26, 2008

Short Freedom

Went for movie and dinner together with friend's today... Thank you Ah Leong, Ah Sun and Ah Teoh... thanks for treating me a late birthday dinner... hehe... watch "Forbidden Kingdom", ok lo... nowadays punya movie is like that de lo... then eat at Fish & Co... ok lo... nowadays punya restraunt is like that punya lo... Ah Teoh eat till want vomit some more... very happy la... and that is more than enough already... thank you once again lo...

Left 1 paper for final only... Japanese wor... only subject that got hope for "A"... must score... this few day must enjoy watching and clearing all my anime... looking forward to DotA with my house mate after he settle his exam... whole sem didn't DotA with him already... going Kundasang soon lo... hope it will be a nice trip...

Friday, April 25, 2008





...... 选择



...... 更出色绚丽的明天

Thursday, April 24, 2008



Wednesday, April 23, 2008


今年的生日,可以说很特别吗?也许吧...还是第一次在生日那天还得勤力读书。明天有考试,而且还是两科主修科...真是凄凉。3 天前我妈妈竟然传了简讯给我,祝我生日快乐。我在想,她该不会记错我的生日日期了吧?无论如何,她竟然会传简讯这回事已经足以让我震惊不已。半夜三更收到了朋友传来的简讯,谢谢你们。还好我silent了我的电话,不然就不用睡觉了。Housemate猜了好多天都没猜中我几时生日。我也刻意没告诉他们,没必要劳烦大家,还是专心考试重要。但是最后他们好像抢了我的钱包然后看了我的IC...



4月23日出生的人总会为他们那傲人的天赋寻找最好的避风港,而且,还 一定要等到知名或是势力庞大的公司组织发现自己的存在时,才会停下脚步,喘一口气。这并不表示他们一定要接受那家公司的雇用(虽然事实经常是如此),也可 能是那个组织扮演类似“赞助人”的角色,或是将他们推荐给别人,而开启成功之门。我们经常可发现4月23日出生的人在选择婚姻对象时,通常会选择进入一个能提供庇护的家庭。尽管这些人并不太在乎生活独立与否,但是却很需要在一个较大的社交圈子里展现他们的权力;而财务上的成功对他们来说则是最为重要的。



对4月23日出生的人来说,能够选择一个终生参与的活动,那种快乐是笔墨难以形容的。但是如果太过压抑自己的特色,别人就会对他们失去兴趣,这也挺冒险的。所以最好的策略就是,定期发明一些新鲜的玩意儿,提出一些已经考虑得很周详、并能帮助他们 攀上高位的新计划。这类型的人最好不要满足于停滞的现状,而应该朝着反方向,利用创造力丰富的本能,向目标一步步迈进。



4月23日出生的人必须为老年及早作准备。他们总会陷于一种固定的、重复的习惯中,随着年岁渐增,年轻时求新求变的能力消逝殆尽,想要改变现状就 再也无能为力了,他们也会逐渐变得不良于行。因此,最好是持续培养温和、适度的运动。花些时间和孙子们在一起,并且和小孩子们从事义务工作,将使他们保持 身心愉快,而且又能感受到年轻人的活力。这一天出生的人很容易得到各种关节炎,特别是在颈部方面。他们也很容易丧失听力以及产生眩晕 严重的如梅尼艾氏(耳性眩晕)症候群等都是。在关节炎方面,他们应该有计划、有规律和适度的运动,如此可以延缓身体变差以及关节硬化,在进入老年期时,也 能维持较佳的柔软度。这样的人在食物方面的品味复杂而且多元化,但是对于奶油、面包和糕饼的热爱,却是对身体有害而无益。把这种对高热量食物的喜好,最好 能改为谷类食物、米饭和麦粥等。


莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)英国伊丽莎白女王时代的剧作家和诗人,代表作有《罗密欧与茱丽叶》、《哈姆雷特》、《马克白》、《李尔王》等,也是一位戏剧导演、演员,被誉为英国最伟大的作家。


英国早期印象派画家授纳(Joseph M. Turner),擅长风景画及水彩画,中期作品显示出受到文学的影响,晚期作品最为成熟,代表作有《打架的冒失鬼》、《雨、蒸气和速度》。

德国理论物理学帕兰克(Max Plank),诺贝尔奖得主,研究量子力学。

俄作曲家及钢琴家浦罗可菲夫(Sergei Prokofiev),著名的作品有《三橘之恋》、芭蕾舞剧《罗密欧与茱丽叶》和《灰姑娘》、管弦乐作品《彼得与狼》及第三号钢琴协奏曲。

雷斯特皮尔森(Lester Pearson),曾任加拿大首相,诺贝尔和平奖得主,他的新政府引进了深具民族主义的法律,用意在削弱外国人在本国的经济控制权。





Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Exam started...

Died 1 paper... manage 2 out of 4 question only... Advance Applied Mechanics wor... now settled 2 subject already, beside this is the FK Chung paper. Now just pray I can score something in the Numerical Methods and Machine paper... then Electrical Technology on Friday and lastly Japanese... Going to Kundasang on 2nd week of examination... no paper that week... hope everything goes well and fine... stomachache recently, don't know why... maybe eat too much... a lot of things running through my mind... thinking want to find someone to chat bout it, but sometime is hard to find the "someone"... just hope I can sort things out nicely...

How I miss…

Recently just found out that there had been numbers of gathering held within my primary school friends… I saw their pictures, trying my best to recall back their names… manage to get most of them, and really shock to see some of them appearing in the photo… some who I once believe I’ll never see him/her again… the feeling… is so touching… seeing everyone happily in the picture, knowing everyone is doing very well… I feel glad too. Really miss all the old days… how I wish I was there… being part of the gathering… but no one informed me about any gathering at all! I must go and scold the organizer already, haha… anyway, really happy to see those pictures… don’t know why, but just feel like so touching… eyes get soaked… sob sob… really miss all of them so much! I wonder any of them still remember me… T.T

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kiss the Rain

And when the sky turned dark
And when the lights were out
And when I’m all alone, this very moment
Air that I breathe, so still
Tearing me apart
How I suppose to, continue on

And when the crowd was gone
And when the noise fades off
And when I’m all alone, this very moment
I feel the emptiness
Deep within my heart
Searching something, to fill it up

How I miss you my precious one
You gave me wings and you taught me how to sore the sky
But this moment when I’d learn how to fly, in the end
But you are no longer by my side

And when the breeze has stopped
And when the road was blocked
And when I’m all alone, this very moment
The pain is stabbing me
Eating me inside
How am I suppose, to carry on

And when the moon has gone
And when the stars fade off
And when I’m all alone, this very moment
I start to lose myself
Start to lose my mind
Wonder how long can I hold on

How I miss you my dearest one
You told me be strong and stand tall until the end of time
But don’t you know that my life would have been meaningless
Without you be here right by my side

And when the sky still dark
And when the lights still out
And when I’m still alone, this very moment
The sun will soon shine out
Lights will soon turn on
It is just the matter of time

And when the rain has come
And when I kiss the rain
And when I’m not alone, this very moment
I found you in my heart
Found you in my soul
The rain has brought you back to my side

And I love you forever on...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Indulge for… YIRUMA

...Fallen for him…
...Moved by him…
...Touched by him…
...Became a fan of him…
Welcome to the world of Yiruma!
Many of you might not know who is he, but I believe many of you did heard his musics before, somehow, somewhere… the 1st and my favorite song I heard from him is “Kiss the Rain”… it really is a touching song… recently found a few of his albums, addicted after I listened to them. What a talented piano musician he is… took my breath away, stunned me with his great music compose… everyone out there must listen to his songs and musics… I bet you’ll like it as much as I do.
Yiruma (born 15 Feb 1978, Seoul, Korea) is a South Korea piano music composer. He is married to Miss Korea Son Hye-im. Although he formerly held dual citizenship as a citizen of the United Kingdom and South Korea, in July 2006 he gave up his British citizenship and entered the Republic of Korea Navy to begin his military service, which is mandatory for all male South Koreans.
Yiruma began playing the piano at age 5 and at the age of 11 he moved to England where he graduated from the Purcell School of Music for the musically gifted. In Dec 1996 he participated in the album The Musicians of Purcell (Decca).He went on to enroll in King's College where he studied under distinguished contemporary musician Harrison Bertwistle. During his studies at King's College, he was recognized for his musical talent and soon released his first classical album on the DECCA label.
In January 2002, he made history by becoming the first Korean to perform at the famous MIDEM music festival in Cannes, France. Yiruma's albums have since been released in Europe, Japan, Singapore and throughout Asia via licensing deals. He continues to top the pop charts in Korea and is considered to be one of the most promising new age artists of our time.
In 2004, Yiruma debuted on the Japanese scene with a theme song he composed for the Fuji TV mini-series, . His 'best of' compilation album was released by Universal Music Japan in October following his solo performances at the famous Tokyo Orchard Hall and the renowned Kawaguchi Lilia Hall. His performance showcased the talent that made him Korea's number one new age artist and he was received with ovation and praise across Japan.

Yiruma gained the love of the Korean masses after he wrote, composed and performed the theme song for the hit drama series 'A Winter Sonata'. He quickly gained mass popularity and became an advertising model for Korea Telecom's KT icom G-cube and Yamaha Korea.
As Korea's top new age artist and performer, Yiruma's 2003 release 'From the yellow room' had 30,000 pre-orders which was followed by his 2004 release 'Nocturnal lights...they scatter' which debuted at number 1 on the Korean pop charts. In the winter of 2004, Yiruma successfully closed out the year with a phenomenal 23 stop nationwide concert tour (2004 Drama Concert).
Yiruma continues to compose his unique style of music with an intimate meaningful touch. He has added strings, harmonica and an electric sound to compliment his passionate piano melodies and continues to pursue animation, drama and movie music with his diverse instrumental styles.
In April 2005, Yiruma will release his 'Destiny of Love' album which contains the theme song from and new original piano solos. This will be his final piano solo album as he closes that chapter in his career. He will return to his fans with a new style and sound in the near future.
Kiss The Rain Music Sheet

Here’s my favorite song… “Kiss the Rain”

Our Journey

作詞: melody.

I've seen you before
In the back of my memory
I looked in your eyes
And felt the truth in me

You're finally here
Been waiting so long
You took my hand
And told me to believe

Now I know that you are the answers to my prayers and
You are my warmth and my strength, I'm not afraid now
Time will soon embrace our bound destiny
I'll spread my wings and fly to where I belong
This is our journey

You picked me up
From the shadows of pain
How was I to know
That I would love again

So I know that often our minds maybe misleading
But my heart is not willing to stop, I feel it burning
Time will soon embrace our bound destiny
I'll spread my wings and fly to where I belong

It hurts to be untrue
To what I've gained through you
I cannot live forever
I know that I belong to only you...

So I know that often our minds maybe misleading
But my heart is not willing to stop. I feel it burning
Time will soon embrace our bound destiny
Unfold my wings and I'm flying to you...

Now I know that you are the answers to my prayers and
You are my warmth and my strength, I'm not afraid now
Time will soon embrace our bound destiny
So spread my wings and I'm flying to you,
Cause I know that where I belong is with you,
And my heart will flourish on moments that I'm...
With you.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Hair Cut Craze

Cut my hair today... and something STRANGE happened that made me donno want to laugh or cry about it... hmm... went to the saloon, sit down, want my hair to be cut. A young lady come and serve me, "setting up" everything and ready to cut my hair. When she "toying" around my hair and ask me how I wish my hair to be cut, suddenly she say something...

"Are you mixed?"
"No I'm not!"
"Oh, really? I thought you mixed with Korean."
"You look very alike with a Korean star... forgot about his name..."
"Want to cut the same hair style like him?"

1st, I don't really like Korean stuff... I would be happier if she say I'm Japanese mix (haha...)
2nd, I believe Korean are mostly long hair... I wonder how she is going to cut my hair from short to become long like that...

Anyway, she start to keep on talk donno what and ask a bunch of questions... thought got discount... but in the end no... cheh... then she really "takes her time" to cut my hair... slowly cut hair by hair, layer by layer, little by little... I wonder is she not pro enough or she just really taking her own sweet time "molesting" my hair... then she keep on persuade me to wash my hair also... then ask me want to wax my hair or not... etc etc...

Well, luckily the result is still quite ok... the only thing is just the non-stop disturbance... anyway, settled my hair already... must concentrate in study already...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

星空 III






























星空 II




































星空 I












































Wednesday, April 16, 2008

E=MC^2 by Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey... the DIVA?

Well, overall a very nice album from her... as can be expected from the queen of pop. Listened to this album once it is released because a friend of mine, Mr Terence is keep on "selling" this in his blog... so I give it a look. Wonder how to describe... it's been awhile for me to listen to western songs "seriously"... recently only listen from radio sometime, built up some "gap" already with western music industry (hehe...) anyway, planning to chase it all back from this album. All sort of different styles of songs were included in this album, good work from Mariah! Song I love the most? Hmm... "Bye bye" is very soothing and nice.

Song list:
01.Migrate (featuring T-Pain)
02.Touch My Body
03.Cruise Control (featuring Damian Marley)
04.I Stay In Love
05.Side Effects (featuring Young Jeezy)
06.I'm That Chick
07.Love Story
08.I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time
09.Last Kiss
10.Thanx 4 Nothin'
12.For The Record
13.Bye Bye
14.I Wish You Well

逃生 by 张信哲

Jeff Chang... I listen to his song since the album 宽容... all along from EMI until SONY MUSIC... seeing him evolve in his music and singing... like him for the reason that his love songs are so touching... no other people in this world can sing out the same feeling as he did... all his sad love songs are my favourite... because sometime the lyrics really make me feel so touch...

This new album, 逃生, seeing him evolve once again, but I don't really like this album as his previous album. The love songs are a bit... normal... too normal I would say... can't feel enough "sparks" from it, can't really touch me deep. Overall the album is ok, but maybe I'd expect too much from him in his new album.

牧羊人, this song is nice. The 1st song that I enjoy listen too since the 1st time I listen to his new album. By the way, just want to comment on the cover... what happened to his hair? It's... weird... sigh... I would giv only 70% out of 100%... really miss the usual soul touching love songs from him... hope I can get what I want in his next album...


1 week from HELL

1 week left before all the major paper starts... REALLY have to start to study already... "REALLY"... if not will die beautifully... already died in most mid term, quizzes & etc... can't die in final anymore... sigh... if only I'm slightly more hardworking (hehe...)

Monday, April 14, 2008


Half a month since I started blogging here... pretty enjoying myself and used to this blogger already... will try to squeeze more juices out when I got the free time to do so.

Final starting... good luck to myself and everyone out there... no idea will die how beautifully this time. After finish exam is time for holiday... happy? of course. Long waited holiday has finally come... a lot of things are waiting for me to do... example? Well, Gundam here I come! Planning maybe learn how to ride a bike, then writing a new story which I plan to wrote in January and drag until now... plan to relax myself, meeting friends, clearing all the Anime I downloaded... working? If I got extra time for it... (^^)

Anyway, will try to keep on update my blog, maybe daily or few days once. Keep an eye on it. Recently transferring some blog from previous Friendster blog to here. Changed some layout of the blog, added "My stories", "My Photo Album", added facebook account, etc etc. Explore it yourself ok?

Just hope things will be fine... and God bless everyone! Take care.

Sunday, April 13, 2008



前些天,在车站遇见了她,和她打了个招呼 ,闲聊了两句,然后她就走到另一端坐了下来。也许还是被讨厌着?也许只是大家都不知道该怎么面对对方?不知道她到底是怎么想的,所以我也不知道该如何应变。我,到底在抗拒着什么?也许是害怕着些什么也说不定。但是,也许因为不知如何反应,所以被视为排挤对方?也许就这样进一步加深了她对我的厌恶?如果这对她来说是一件好事的话,我并不在意背上任何的罪名。




Saturday, April 12, 2008






















Eat a lot recently

Donno why, but I really eat damn a lot recently. Pregnant? How good if it is true. (at least this means at least got “want” me, haha…) Anyway, every morning 6am, I’ll take my breakfast. Then 10 or 11am when lecture break, 2nd round breakfast comes in… 12-2pm will be my lunch time, 3-5pm will be my tea break, finally 6-7pm my dinner time. Maybe it’s because my waking time is longer than my sleeping time and use up more energy than usual, maybe I’m still in the zone of growing (I’m still young and energetic?), maybe it’s a good sign of growing fatter (thank god if this is the reason), maybe is just nothing happen at all (T.T)… anyway, approaching bankruptcy if I keep on eat like that, hehe…

Sick of Friendster’s photo album

As what the title stated clearly and I believe a lot of people out there share the same feeling with me too. Upload problems, slow loading & many more. Anyway, I’m searching for alternative photo album now. I’ll post the album here once it is done. Suddenly realize that I slowly and gradually giving up all the Friendster functions… hehe…

Friday, April 11, 2008


Post: Girlfriend

Minimum requirement: Female

Basic requirement: Clever but stupid, mature but childish, independent but dependant.

Further requirement: If you found it hard to understand the basic requirement, here’s a simpler version. Must have good communication skills, able to share everything, don’t lie. There’s no need in experience for it, fresh graduates are welcome to apply too. Must be a clever person, but need to be stupid (or pretend stupid) sometime; mature but childish sometime; independent (when I’m not around) and dependant (when I’m around). Preferably not too demanding person, caring, knows how to cheer me up when I’m down...

Optional requirement: Pretty, cute, sexy, long hair, fair skin, able to cook

Facilities/benefits: All-weather worldwide protection, sweet memories, moments of two together and many more. Limited access to transportation (meanwhile), no accommodation provided (unless you are willing to share my bed), further facilities and benefits are negotiable.

Application: Please kindly send your application details to this email address with the title of “GF Application”, or just simply call the 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year hotline 012-2843684 for further enquiries or application details. Please kindly attach all necessary document accordingly in your resume, which include recent photos, personal detail and etc.

P/S: For those who performed well in this post will earn a promotion to take the post as Wife.

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what if? even if...

What if, when one day, you found out that you had falling in love to someone? It is a very nice feeling indeed, but what comes after that is actually not necessary to be something nice. What am I trying to pull out here?

Alright, what if you had fallen in love with your friend? Well, this is actually something that always happens around us. Anyway who will fall in love to someone who is not even a friend? What if you had fallen in love with your close friend? Best friend? What if you had fallen in love with your friend’s friend? What if when he/she is your friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? What if, if really happen, someone that you not really know well or not close to? What if you had fallen for your classmate? Your course mate maybe? House mate? How about your roommate? (Well, anything can happen.)

Well, when you fallen for someone, what will be the next step? Some prefer to keep it in the heart as a secret, some prefer to show out all their kindness toward the “someone”, and some prefer to tell them how they feel. This next step is always crucial, is either you make it or screw it. This is what I’m talking about here.

Perhaps this is a path that must be taken by everyone. It is something representing how much of courage you have, and how much you like about him/her. But this is where the hardest of all come in. Yes, there had been people crying for it, dying for it, sacrificing for it… although the outcome is nothing you can ever imagine, but people still strive for it. This is something about love that fascinates me. Love really gives people courage, believe, and a strong will to move on.

So what will you choose to do? Keep it in your heart? Show all your kindness to that person? Searching for a chance to express your love to him/her? It’s a hard question that sometimes depends on the situation to answer. People are afraid of choosing the last option, sometimes, because it is really scary. Saying out how much you love him/her without knowing what will be the reaction from him/her. If it is an “ok”, of course it would be nice. But what if it is a “no”? Things can unfold in many ways after a simple “no”. Maybe both of you can still be friends; maybe both of you will still be friends, but there’ll be something different from before; maybe will starts to avoiding each other; maybe it’s the end of the friendship or what-so-ever. For this reason, there will be people who tend to choose the first option, remains silence. Will this make a person suffering? I wonder. As for the second option, normally it will follow by the third one, but sometimes it will just end at the second option forever, as it may integrate with the first option, which means keeping it in your heart and treating the “someone” the best you can.

Thinking back about myself, what had I done so far? Well, I wouldn’t dare to say I fallen in love with a lot of people, for me, love is the word only when two individual are getting together. So, for my own policy, I’ll stick with the word “like”. All the three option actually had been used by me before, I guess. There will be people you like, this is for sure. Sometime for some reason, I’ll just think that “it would be better if things just stay this way”. So for that, first option is chosen, I’ll definitely treat someone I like the best I can, no matter is friends or potential lover, so second option is always in my hand too. As for the last option, well, tried before but things always end up to the worst. It is sad; I wonder why… couldn’t there be a friendship after a rejection? Why things always end up ugly after a separation?

Kind of tired sometime, getting a phobia maybe? People will surely say that I’m still young, giving up so easily? Well, I wonder. I also hope to find the source of my courage, believe and will. But things won’t turn the way you want always. Anyway, so just let things be for the meanwhile. So, how about you? What will you do? What will you choose? How will you decide?

After all the “what if”, let’s just sum things up here.

Even if the future is unknown, people still put hope on it and continue dreaming; even if you might be able to predict the outcome sometime, but you still give it a try and hoping things won’t turn the way you imagined; even if love brings a lot of pain and sorrows along, but people still searching for it day after day; even if things will turn out against us, but we still continue to moving forward…

So, even if I’ll be alone forever, at the very least I’m still able to give my best to people I like. Even if there’s no one there for me to show my kindness, at the very least I do have some good memories of them with me before this. So, don’t hesitate. Just so the best you can and may God bless you all with love.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Meeting with Japanese

Due to "accidentally" elected as the Mr. President for the Japanese Cultural Club of University Malaysia Sabah... and due to suddenly called by the Japan Consulate to have a meeting with them... so, 4th April, I borrowed my coursemate, Ricky's car (Thank you Ricky!!), fetching 2 beauties... My Vice Jo-lin and secretary Li Yee... went to Japan Consulate which situated near to the Sabah Trade Center. All wear formal... smart looking... the 2 girl say want to "chase" the Consul General wor... that's why wear until very nice... in the end it was the Vice Consul who meet us, regarding about hosting some event through my club at UMS. Just hope everything will work smoothly.

Can't take picture in the office... but manage to take 1 shot outside of the office... nice to see when morning... but a bit "ghostly" when night, hehe...


Click on the link to see something cute...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo/A Girl Who leaps through time
When 17-year-old Makoto Konno gains the ability to, quite literally, "leap" backwards through time, she immediately sets about improving her grades and preventing personal mishaps. However, she soon realizes that changing the past isn't as simple as it seems, and eventually, will have to rely on her new powers to shape the future of herself and her friends...
“Time waits for no one”… yes, indeed. A very touching story which will makes us think twice... when you are given the chance to leap through time, what will you do? Makoto accidentally attained such power, at first she use it for her own self (selfish?). Later on, when she found out that one of her friend had fallen in love to her, she's so afraid and nervous, that she leap back the time to stop her friend from proposing to her... after a few time leap, Makoto finally used all the available chances to leap through the time... and this is where she start to realize that because of her selfish thinking in leaping through time, people around her might had suffer for that purpose. and she finally realize that just how much she likes him too. when everything seems to be too late for her, miracle happens...

Not to say to be very well drawn, but indeed it is a nice animation. Very meaningful story I should say, great plotting of story, very well play scenes, nice OST... A little bit surprised by how the story unfolds, but in the end it really brings the whole story to life… so don't miss the chance to watch it!

Very nice ending song here... enjoy it!
watch the ending video here

by Oku Hanako

Gutaundo kaketeku anata no senaka wa
Sora ni ukanda kumo yori mo jiyuu de
nooto ni naranda shikakui moji sae
Subete wo terasu hikari ni mieta

Suki to iu kimochi ga wakaranakute
Nidoto wa modoranai kono jikan ga
Sono imi wo atashi ni oshiete kureta

Anata to sugoshita hibi wo kono mune ni yaki tsukeyou
Omoi dasanakutemo daijoubu na you ni
Itsuka hoka no dareka wo suki ni natta toshitemo
Anata wa zutto tokubetsu de taisetsu de
Mata kono kitsetsu ga megutteku

Hajimete futari de hanashita houkago
Dare mo shiranai egao sagashiteita
Tookude anata no hashaideru koe ni
Naze da ka mune ga itakunatta no

Kawatte yuku koto wo kowagatteta no
Zutto tomodachi no mama ireru kigashita
Owatteku mono nado nai to omotta

Hateshinai toki no naka de anata to deaeta koto ga
Nani yori mo atashi wo tsuyokushite kureta ne
Muchuu de kakeru ashita ni tadoritsuita toshitemo
Anata wa zutto tokubetsu de taisetsu de
Mata kono kisetsu ga yatte kuru

Itsumademo wasurenai to anata ga itte kureta natsu
Toki ga nagare imagoro atashi wa namida ga koboretekita

Anata to sugoshita hibi wo kono mune ni yaki tsukeyou
Omoi dasanakutemo daijoubu na you ni
Itsuka hoka no dareka wo suki ni natta toshitemo
Anata wa zutto tokubetsu de taisetsu de
Mata kono kitsetsu ga megutteku

Parallel World

Watched Keroro Gunso episode 205. A very touching story… The story talks about this, the “Parallel World”. What is the “Parallel World”? Well, I’m not sure how to explain, but if you don’t understand, try to search through the internet, ok?

Taking an example, when making a decision, let’s say deciding to turn right or left, each decision will bring to their respective outcome. This means there are be two possibilities of future ahead of you. What people believes here is the two possible future, they do co-exist, but in different dimension. For the same time measure, there might be hundred, thousand or million of possibility happening at the same time in different dimension, this is what they call as “parallel world”.

The story start off with Keroro accidentally fall into a hole and ended up reappears at Hinata’s house. He thought everything is just as usual, not only when he found out that the Fuyuki in this world and dimension actually hasn’t seen Keroro before. Meanwhile, Fuyuki and the rest from the real dimension is dying in search of ways to save Keroro back from the “parallel world”. (That’s what it seems to be, ^^) Keroro slowly had built up some good relationship with Fuyuki from the other dimension, and here comes the time to decide when Keroro finally stand a chance to choose to go back to the real world or not. It’s a hard decision to make, as Fuyuki from both worlds also will miss Keroro so much if he leaves any of them. In the end, Keroro had chosen to return back to the real world…

Come to think of it… what if “parallel world” does exist? I wonder what will the other “me” doing at this time over the other dimension. Will he be alright? Is he living happily? Is he has a better live than me? Does he has any girlfriend? I wonder… wonder did he meet people and friends that I met in this world… it would be nice if in the different world, the other me and the other of my friends actually knew each other…

All the best to the other “me”… hope you can live better than I do…

Disastrous Day

Happily went to town to buy a 160GB hard disk, thinking of upgrading my current 60GB laptop hard disk, after swapping the hard disk, I start to install Windows in it. The format and file preparation is all fine, but the nightmare starts once it needs to reboot to install the Windows. After reboot, error shows... stating like error in initializing the setup process etc etc... I try using another Windows cd n do it all over again, same result comes out! OMG! Ok, now I try use the 160GB as external hard disk, it works flawlessly. Just what the hell is going on? NVM, so I use my 80GB external instead to replace my laptop hard disk, the installation is well done. (so I really wonder why i cant install Windows in the 160GB... T.T) after all the update & etc... suddenly another disaster strikes! after I restart my 80GB (which already Windows, driver & software ready), it fail to detect my LAN cable & I can't online at all! What the heck was that? I just use the internet to update those software and after reboot it tells me it can't detect the LAN? Reinstalling the software doesn't help also! Shit man... Wasted whole day doing diagnosis, in the end... my laptop still 60GB, but now I got 80GB and 160 GB external... sigh... I'll try to settle the issue during holiday... if anyone got any idea what in the world is going on... please kindly inform me, thank you...

Friday, April 4, 2008

私 vs 誕生日

Birthday? Well, actually it is not really something very meaningful and memorable for me. I wonder why... maybe ever since when I was a kid, I didn't really celebrate birthday like anyone else did. When I was small, maybe a small birthday cake will be there, maybe there'll be a present too. But slowly, cake and present had vanished from my sight, and birthday will end up being another ordinary day of an ordinary life.

Slightly better during secondary school when I meet my buddies now. They celebrate my birthday for me year after year... thanks a lot to all of them. Although I didn't really care about that day, but they still celebrate it for me. Well, at least I can take it as a chance for everyone to come out and have some fun together.

No present, no cake, no birthday wishes... something sad? Maybe, especially for those who always live happily with a "proper" birthday celebration every year (haha...) For me, it's ok without a birthday cake, I don't really enjoy eating it too. It's ok without the birthday present (just who the hell in this world had invented this "theory" stating that you must receive a present during your birthday?) As for the birthday wish, I wonder what's the difference for you to make a wish during your birthday or during any other day in your life? At the end, "birthday" maybe is just something created by people just to earn some extra $$ from you... (really?)

Ironic isn't it? People know that it is just another ordinary day, but still they celebrate it; people know that their wishes will bring no meaning and not necessary will turn to be reality, but still they'll wish for it... maybe we just can't afford to lose our one last hope on the "miracle of birthday". Thinking back the old days... do I really made any birthday wishes before? I guess there are some, but I bet none of them had ever become reality, that's why I'd been starting to giving up on this "miracle"...

Sorry if I brush the bubbles from any of you guys out there. This is just my personal comment, so please keep faith in what you want to believe in. Taking this chance to say Happy Birthday to everyone I know... just in case I forget to wish you during your birthday... so I better wish you all now when i still remember about it. Hehe...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Introducing My New Blog

Ladies & Gentlemen!

Allow me to introduce you all to my all new personal blog page... the address is kinda messy, but please remember it correctly ok? It's

I'd been blogging in Friendster for awhile, thinking of trying something new, that's why I'm here. I'll gradually move some of my old blog post here, and of course I'll continue writing new one here. The old Friendster blog I'll keep it as a memory over there, all new post will be post here from now on. So do remember to visit my blog often, ok? Don't hesitate to drop down any comment here, I'll be glad for any kind of comments.

Hope my blog can brighten someone's day...
Hope my post can made someone smile...
Hope my story can touch someone's heart...

Thank you.

秒速5厘米/byousoku 5cm

Do you know about it?

The speed of a falling Sakura flower...

It's 5cm per second...

A tale of two people, Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari, who were close friends but gradually grow farther and farther apart as time moves on. They become separated because of their families yet continue to exchange contact in the form of letters. Yet as time continues to trudge on, their contact with one another begins to cease. Years pass and the rift between them grows ever larger. However, Takaki remembers the times they have shared together, but as life continues to unfold for him, he wonders if he would be given the chance to meet Akari again as the tale embarks on Takaki's realization of the world and people around him.

Tono Takaki and Shinohara Akari are close friends who, upon graduation from elementary school, are parted because of family movement. Their deep feelings for each other keep them in contact, but they worry they may not meet again. Then, one day, Takaki decides to visit Akari.........This is a movie in three parts that follows the thoughts and relationship of 2 young people as they meet and part, both from their point of view and from people around them.

A very sad story? Maybe. It's all depends on how you want to interpret the whole story. The main message that this 1 hour animation would like to tell us, is regarding something about time, love, distance & trust... how are they linked together? What impact will they give? Something that really close to everyone... so close, that it really touches the deepest part of our heart. Maybe because I'm in the rather same condition as Takaki in the movie, that's why I'm touched by this movie... very nice movie indeed... although there might be people who questioned about the ending of this animation, but I love the ending very much. It should be end this way... if not, the story will not bring out the meaningful moment for us to use our imagination and also to touch our soul...

The graphic of this animation is extremely well made. The OST and main theme of this animation is very nice too. A very nice, smooth, soothing, slow, relaxing and touching OST indeed... musics are all able to let you recall the scene of the movie... the sadness... the sweetness... and everything... nice main theme too... "One more time, One more chance"... I personally enjoy this OST & Singles very much... hope you guys out there like it too...

01 桜花抄
02 想い出は远くの日々
03 焦燥

04 雪の駅

05 Kiss

06 カナエの気持ち

07 梦

08 空と海の诗

09 届かない気持ち

11 One more time, One more chance Piano ver.

秒速5厘米主题曲 - One more time, One more chance
by Yamazaki Masayoshi
01 One more time, One more chance

02 雪の駅~One more time, One more chance~

03 One more time, One more chance(弾き语りVer.)










Wednesday, April 2, 2008


SUZUKI is a high school boy who belongs to the swim team of Tadano Boy’s High School. The arrival of a cute new female swimming instructor sparks newfound interest in the boys. However, when she reveals her plans of turning the team into an all-male synchronized swimming team, the numbers quickly plummet, leaving only five boys; an athletically inept SATO, a skinny boy OHTA, a math geek KANAZAWA, a timid boy SAOTOME and SUZUKI. But she suddenly discovers she is 8 months pregnant and goes on maternity leave.

Inspired by her dream, the five boys struggle for preparing the high school festival. Once the summer holidays start, they do a training camp under the weird dolphin trainer ISOMURA in the aquarium. But the first exercise ISOMURA orders them is to polish fish tank... 5 boys “accidentally” entered a fake swimming club and end up preparing for the performance for the school annual event… this is how the story begins...

I watched this movie during the Japanese Film Festival in my university which I’m among the organizing team. A very nice movie actually, but I prefer Waterboys 2 drama series. This movie is very funny, but not really as touching as the Waterboys 2 drama series. If you still remember the teacher who is teaching the 5 boys in Waterboys 2… you’ll see him again in this movie, this time he is still a student. Which means you’ll get a chance to know about his past for those who watched Waterboys 2 like me.

Nice movie overall!