Thursday, November 6, 2008

Round 1 ending soon

Round 1 of the final is coming to an end, Friday will be the last paper then wait until next week will the round 2 start with another 3 papers and that's it... just hope time goes by faster and faster! So-called studying hard but actually not productive at all... maybe I'd pass by the age of learning... hehe... not old... is MATURE...

Anyway, last year around this time my final has already almost done actually. But this year is just the beginning... Tomorrow is a special day for me... will take my own time for it tomorrow... just hope I'll be fine... curious about what so special? Log in to my blog tomorrow for more information... hehe... sigh...


Lo said...

You are so good in creating suspense, ha ha:)

Anonymous said...


Wei Keat said...

talk about suspense... the MAJOR UPDATE need to wait for some time before it really happen... so be patient... hehe