Saturday, July 19, 2008

I found my “other half”…

Well, if you are expecting me to say I found a girlfriend here… you guess it wrongly my friend. I’d manage to rent a motor… finally… planned to buy 1 before this, but after some mathematic calculations and considerations… end up I decided to rent a bike instead. Thank you to my friend Ah Sun for fetching me go to the shop to rent the motor… thank you to my friend Ah Leong for riding my motor all the way back to my house. Hehe… and thanks to Ah Teoh for accompanying me also. I’m still not very use to my new motor, give me some time and I’ll make things right… then I’ll be able to ride to university and no need to rely on the sucking bus anymore.
Well, a bit unbalance at first when I ride on it. Some funny moment occurs. Then at night, my housemate Mr. Kok Seng force me go out with my bike… well, in the end I ride my bike, he ride his bike and he accompany me riding the bike going out and went to 1 Borneo… Oh My God… this is my first Sabah motor ride, my first ride on the main road… and everything happened in a split second. There’re some “exciting moments” along the way, but somehow everything is still under control… thanks to him for accompanying me riding the bike at the speed of 40-50km only…
Last but not least, I’ll treat you good… so please treat me good too… I won’t betray you so you don’t betray me also… ok? From now on we’ll be together running through storm and sun… so, douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu…
My Babe... Modenas Kriss

1 comment:

yingChi said...

How's your bike going to betray you? It won't run away itself.
Anyway, be careful la.