Monday, December 29, 2008

私の物語 Ver 2.0

Somehow finish renovating... will do something about the header when I'm free to explore it... meanwhile just let things stay as it is... added new labels... some old post have been rearrange with new labels and organized better. I don't know why but my hand itchy and go and changed the blog templates and layout... kinda like the 3 column layout... but having a whole bunch of problems in setting them... well, finally this is the outcome... not really nice though... but what to do? sigh... post any comment about it for me... I'll keep on improve as I can to renovate it... meanwhile I'll just keep things like that until I find a solution for it... kinda regret for changing... but kinda like the 3 column layout... sigh...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the color of ur blog so grey...seems dull o~ prefer brighter or darker color...hehehe...just my comment lar