Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's been awhile since my last update... well, seems like this had become the usual starting phrase in my post ^^ anyway, kind of busy recently... and don't really have the mood to do anythings as well... tired... stressed... boring... many feelings... mostly negative some more... sigh... what the hell had went wrong...

People are still relaxing and having their sweet time while I'm busy and rushing my Final Year Project... let them be... they will be the one rushing soon...

People keep on going out and having fun... so call last semester and must fully enjoy... Well, no comment... sometime really need to rest my mind... but not as frequent as what they did... I'm not rich at all... need to start save some money for my future...

People keep on complaining this and that... well actually all they need to do is just use their brain and think... think for others... think from others point of view...

People keep on say group work is good... honestly I hate group work because it means everyone is expecting others to do the job... in the end I'm the only one who complete everything... end up as group work = individual work...

Getting kind of emotional recently... thinking about a lot of things... past... present... and future... wonder why can't stop thinking about anything as others did... well, I guess that's what differ me from the others I guess... sigh...

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