Monday, January 18, 2010

Movies I watched recently...

Well, when was the last time I post any review on movie? Haha… well, really nothing much to review about as not much great movie I had watched… and I haven’t really watch many movies at all because I’m just too busy… anyway, recently I’d watched a few movies… not to say that these movies are great, but I would say it’s very meaningful and touching to certain extent…

The Time Traveler’s Wife

This is a story about a guy who can time travel, but he is unable to control it. He will time travel all of a sudden… to places and time where he can’t control as well… this seems to bother him, but through the time travelling, he fall in love with a girl… the girl decided to marry him, but soon the stress of being with a husband that can disappear all of a sudden strikes her… and the sad thing is whenever she pregnant… the baby will just time travel away… leaving them behind…

A meaningful and touching story, about how people coupe with their miserable life…

The Road

This story happens when the world is getting to its end. There is no more civilization in the world. Buildings fallen… uncertain weather… earthquake… only little human are still surviving… and there are people who will do anything just for survival, such as killing other human and eat them… while there are some who try to survive as the good guy, no matter what happen… the story goes on with a man and his son, travelling through the deserted world, looking for food, looking for shelter… looking for chances of survival…

A meaningful story about how a father protects his son from the world’s end until the very end…

Crossing Over

This is a series of stories about different people who are living in America. People from different country, different races, but with one aim… to survive in the harsh living environment of America, and to obtain a Green Card for permanent residence. There is a man from Australia, pretend himself as a religion worker in order to get approval for the green card; there is a lady, who sleep with the officer in exchange of the green card; there is a lady who work in a factory without permit, died on her journey of being transported back to Mexico; there is a Korea teenager who committing crime during the day before he is awarded the green card, and there is a Muslim girl who is suspected as a terrorist being chase out of America…

A very sad reality story about people who crossing the border line to another country in search for hopes and dreams… some succeeded, but many had failed…

Well, all of these movies are not action movie at all… don’t expect any great scenes from them. They are just a slow moving story that needs some patient from you in order to watch it carefully and digest all the meaning hidden within… hope you guys like it too!

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