黑衣服、黑领带、白手套,跟着一只会说话的黑狗,这是"死神"千叶的标准装束。和人们想像的不同,这个死神并非面目狰狞、也不带镰刀,而是一个丝毫不吓人的大帅哥。千叶的工作是审判,对于即将意外死亡的对象,他会在其死前进行为期七天 的观察,最终决定是实行死亡还是放生延命。千叶对人类没什么好感,在他手下从来没有获得放生的幸运者。不过,千叶非常喜欢音乐,认为这是人类最伟大的发 明。对他来说,在干净利落地处理完工作之后走进CD商店戴上耳机倾听音乐乃是至高无上的享受。
千叶这次的对象是27岁的公司职员藤木一惠。藤木一惠个性阴沉,并不招人喜爱,不少人因她而死,她却无动于衷。千叶和往常一样变装来到人间,和往常一样又 碰到下雨。看到一惠带着疲惫的神情下班走出公司大楼,千叶跟了上去。此时的他还不知道,有着某项特殊才能的一惠将会改变他对人类的看法。
Well… since this is a movie from the most handsome, good looking, charming, sexy man in the universe, Kaneshiro Takeshi… so I’d download this movie to watch. Actually a friend of mine had ask me to watch this movie in cinema… this movie will show around next month… but I can’t wait to see my Takeshi… hehe… so, I would say this movie is a little bit boring in the middle part, but actually the whole story brings out something very meaningful… the songs “Sunny Day” in the movie is nice… but I can’t find the song online… T.T anyway, nice movie overall with the most handsome, good looking, charming, sexy man in the universe… XD
黑衣服、黑领带、白手套,跟着一只会说话的黑狗,这是"死神"千叶的标准装束。和人们想像的不同,这个死神并非面目狰狞、也不带镰刀,而是一个丝毫不吓人的大帅哥。千叶的工作是审判,对于即将意外死亡的对象,他会在其死前进行为期七天 的观察,最终决定是实行死亡还是放生延命。千叶对人类没什么好感,在他手下从来没有获得放生的幸运者。不过,千叶非常喜欢音乐,认为这是人类最伟大的发 明。对他来说,在干净利落地处理完工作之后走进CD商店戴上耳机倾听音乐乃是至高无上的享受。
千叶这次的对象是27岁的公司职员藤木一惠。藤木一惠个性阴沉,并不招人喜爱,不少人因她而死,她却无动于衷。千叶和往常一样变装来到人间,和往常一样又 碰到下雨。看到一惠带着疲惫的神情下班走出公司大楼,千叶跟了上去。此时的他还不知道,有着某项特殊才能的一惠将会改变他对人类的看法。
Well… since this is a movie from the most handsome, good looking, charming, sexy man in the universe, Kaneshiro Takeshi… so I’d download this movie to watch. Actually a friend of mine had ask me to watch this movie in cinema… this movie will show around next month… but I can’t wait to see my Takeshi… hehe… so, I would say this movie is a little bit boring in the middle part, but actually the whole story brings out something very meaningful… the songs “Sunny Day” in the movie is nice… but I can’t find the song online… T.T anyway, nice movie overall with the most handsome, good looking, charming, sexy man in the universe… XD
hohoho...thank u for ur movies...
i'm vr grateful....however,it's not enuff to reward me...haha....i need more...seriously,i dun like his long hair...haha..
aiya~then, if i watch ad...shud i go watch in cinema?u purposely prevent me fr goin movies by sending me =P
p/s: gambatte...on 'anythg' u r pursuing~ =P all the best...
i din purposely giv u the movie... accidentally saw it... wat else u wan me reward u? i'm belong to my dear ady, u cant have me... hehe... watch movie must b with my dear one... so ma cant go wif u lo... later she "makan cuka" not good lo... keke...
this remind me wei yee n you scream crazily n kept on telling how handsome Takeshi is when we pass by 1U once.
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