Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Hope that I can graduate successfully this year ^^
Hope to earn a lot money ^^
But have to hope to get a good job first ^^
Then hope to get big car & big house ^^
Then credit card, cash, investment and etc ^^

Okay, back to reality...

Hope I'm still alive in 2010... (die already nothing can happen ^^)
Hope I'll stay healthy in 2010... (sick already got money also no use ^^)
Hope I'll solve all the problems I have (if not can't concentrate in earn money ^^)
Hope that my friends and family will stay healthy and happy always (if not I won't be happy also)

Well, nothing wrong to dream wildly...
It's New Year Eve anyway!
Happy New Year to everyone!

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