I wonder is it applicable to you or not... but I think is applicable at least to most of the people out there... believe it or not, admit it or not... WE ARE ALL RAPED BY MC DONALD'S!!
What am I trying to say here? Well... it all happened when they introduce the Mc Value Lunch... everyone in the town was going crazy on this promotion...
"WTF! So cheap!! RM6 for a McD meal!!"
Soon... our McD started to become one of the main choice for lunch already... isn't this something good? Well, it is... but there are some down side too... try to think of it... is the number of time you eat McD during dinner reduced drastically? Can you get my point now? YES! Now you realized that for the past few months, McD only appears in your lunch menu and not in your dinner!
"Dinner eat what?"
"You crazy? Eat McD at night? Eat for lunch can lah~"
By the time we saying others are stupid for eating McD at time other than 12-3pm... think again... we are actually a bit into the stupid condition also for forcing ourselves to only eat McD for lunch... letting McD to RAPE us under the sun... ^.^
So... will I still limit myself to eat McD as lunch only? Well... since I'm kind of poor right now... so what can I do besides trying to "enjoy" myself for being rape by McD for awhile... haha...
To be rape... Or not to be rape...
the use of "rape" is too colloquial, or perhaps it is hyperbole? Can't really understand...
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