Tuesday, May 12, 2009

2nd day of internship

Yesterday sit for whole day until backside pain, today stand for whole day until leg pain... today continue to test, but this time is no more paper test... practical test! Test I taken today are:

card test: like play poker, distribute card to 4 players, within 30 seconds must complete and all card must place on the small restricted area.

stick test: total of 64 stick are placed standing on a casing... u need to take out 1 by 1 and reverse it to place it back in another casing... 30 seconds of limit... this one is hard...

running test: run a distance of about... donno how much... hehe... from the beginning til the end of corridor... go and back... 20 seconds...

walking test: walk at full speed, go & back... 10 seconds...

screwing test: screw 10 screws in 40 second on a horizontal plate... this is the hardest part... i repeated 3 times only get things done... T.T

next is a series of air con assembly process... all must do within the time limit... most of them actually quite easy also...

After all those test... already half dead... continue lecture on basic principle of air con... finally... 5.30pm!

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