Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early June of 2008

Back from a trip to Port Dickson recently. I went there with my primary school friends. It’s a nice trip; everyone is having fun playing, chit-chatting and fooling around. It is just like a small gathering for all of us. I’m happy that I’m part of them this time. A two days one night trip staying at a friend’s apartment, having a BBQ dinner and drunk each other up with the whisky... really have a good time there.
I’ll start working part time during weekends soon, so no more shopping time for me on the weekends. Luckily I’d already visit all the major shopping center before this, so there’s no regret from me anymore. I hope I can manage to earn some bucks up so I can have enough to spend during my Tioman Island trip on early July with my friends.
Motor learning progress is better than I expected. But recently no more motor for me to practice daily already, so just hope I can still manage to ride it well next time. My skill is still not that good; I don’t think I’ll ride straight to the main road... I’ll spend more time touring around the housing area first.
Busy with my story writing and anime watching recently, just hope my story can be done on time... by the way, get my result already... PNGS 3.56, better than expected, my result consist of a lot of B ad A-, just hope next semester I can do better than this.
Anyway, I’m chasing back all the old memories this holiday. I do hope that I can get something from it and makes me get better mentally. Well, all I can do now is just pray that I can get out of the box soon. I hope that everyone enjoy their holiday as well. Take care to all my university friends, we’ll meet very soon.


Anonymous said...

'PNGS 3.56'
This is so NOT FAIR!!!

Anonymous said...

yc, y u say it's not fair??

yingChi said...

because he always claim fail his tests, didn't study, etc... still can get this result. Why this miracle never happen on me? lol.

Wei Keat said...

aiyo... is my uni standard low only... hehe... next time come UMS study ma can b like me lo...