Well, even though the story titled as "Children who chase the star", but the whole story isn't really related to star at all. Anyway, this is the latest master piece by Makoto Shinkai, the director of "Byousoku 5cm", my all time favorite animation movie.
It is obvious that this time around he is using a different approach to tell his story. The story doesn't make me crying like "Byousoku 5cm", but this doesn't mean that the story is not touching. The graphic is still very nice, and so does the message Makoto Shinkai wants to deliver to everyone.
The meaning of life... the meaning of living... the meaning of death...
The story is started rather rapidly, pouring a lot of information for you to digest about the world and timeline of it... but soon it slows down to explain each and every of them, one by one. Everything is clearly told, the story, the character, the message... everything unfold slowly and gently. Although one may argue the storyline is a little "predictable", but the difference will be the how the whole message is being convey to the audience.
For those who have lost their love one... for those who are afraid of losing your love one... for those who are a little misserable about your life now... take a look into this movie and hopefully you will find that little special meaning inside like I did...
Here's the movie theme song and lyrics in chinese... hope you like it as well.
Hello, Goodby and Hello
Hello Goodbye and Hello 與你相逢 現在與你離別
Hello Goodbye and Hello 然後向沒有你的這個世界 Hello
那個時候還不知道真正的 離別
漸漸破壞的心 一直在尋找著你
如果 你能聽見 有很多的話想告訴你
全心全意永遠讓你充滿笑容 許下誓言想留在你身邊
Hello Goodbye and Hello 與你相逢 現在與你離別
Hello Goodbye and Hello 然後向沒有你的這個世界 Hello
在喜歡上你的時候 已經踏上了 旅程
Hello Goodbye and Hello 永遠把你 記住在心裡
Hello Goodbye and Hello 然後 沿著這條路繼續前進
不想失去願望 是最遠的那一顆星 天空遼闊就如明天
雖然漫無邊際 但我想伸出雙手
“Hello Goodbye and Hello 與你相逢 現在與你離別
Hello Goodbye and Hello 然後向沒有你的這個世界 Hello”