30 June 2008, 11.30pm
Depart from Pudu by Transnational Bus to Mersing...
1 July 2008, around 4am
Arrive at Mersing Jetty
Waiting for ferry which so-call to depart at 7.30am... so while waiting, those Gamblers start to itch their hands...
There some who is sleeping though... actually only 1... anyway, we then have our breakfast nearby and I bet Mr. Looh Tchuin is still angry about the issue that he was cheated by the shop owner 50 cent...
around 8am, we take the ferry & reach Tioman Island around 10.30am... we port at Salang Jetty and head towards our "hotel" to check-in...
The Salang Jetty...
well... our "Hotel"...
After Check -in and rest, we have our lunch nearby... and after lunch, guess what? Yupe... another rest of course... then some adventurous people suggest to have a jungle tracking... so we depart with 5 people heading towards the starting point... after some staircase, comes the jungle track. And believe it or not, just after awhile... maybe less than 5 minutes? 2 out of 5 people gave up and return... well, the 3 left over "still-adventurous" people continue their long long journey into the deep jungle...
well, there's another aunty following us actually, stress out and tired, sweating totally... luckily she made it back with no major troubles...
Dinner at night... seafood dinner, and after that some rest and gambling continue in our room...
2 July 2008, 10.30am
After breakfast, we depart from our "Hotel" by boat, heading to Genting Bay for 1st snorkeling.
Then Coral Island beach for some rest and lunch
And finally Malang Rock for the last snorkeling.
After some rest, we have our dinner at night... seafood BBQ dinner... after that we went to drink liquor and went back to our room...
3 July 2008
Well, nothing much actually for the next day. Wake up, breakfast, check-out... then we take a ferry back to Mersing and Transnational bus back to KL... reach around 7pm at Pudu and take KTM back to our respective home...
Can i have your permission on posting this entry in my blog?
u so lazy til write blog oso lazy?
no time and been busy ma...
can borrow or not?
oh, by the way, your previous layout and color looked better
Of course la... since u this aunty request say cant view my whole page correctly... so ma fan ppl... ma change ady lo... some more all the template online are so ugly... really shit... what to do? i'll try to edit when i got time... u no time? u waste less time go pak to wif JOHAN ma got a lot time to blog lo...
ok-lah, about your previous layout, i blame my monitor lo. No money for a new one ma.
i'm NOT busy pak tor, OKAY?! still single and available!... been busy arrange my new sem's schedule, headache!
yup...last layout looks much better...
this 1 looks sort of..."degraded"?
Aren't your description about the trip sounds too simple? It's like short and lacking of activities...
Or maybe it's the "Miss Organizer" 's problem? :p
'degraded'? LOL.
and it was not my problem about the trip.
the trip n the degraded stuff r all tat aunty's fault...
uncle, it's about your description... not my fault at all.
Btw, i might said something about your previous blog but all i commented was the resolution only, i didn't ask you switch the whole thing .
tat layout only got tat resolution... just someone so UP-TO-DATE til now stil din use wide screen only ma...
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